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On these gymnasts are Europeans 2000 Pictures available:

Cojocar Sabina, Romania
Colombo Ilaria, Italy
Crisci Adriana, Italy
Furnon Ludivine, France
Peron Marlène, France
Nyeste Adrienn, Hungary
Planas Alba, Spain
Zasipkna Maria, Russia
Zighanshiva Natalia, Russia

More pictures at Misc Euro Pics

4th misc Pictures update

Olivettiem001.JPG (64358 Byte)
Elena Olivetti, Italy.

Amanarem001.JPG (49723 Byte)
Simona Amanar, Romania.

FloorPodiumJuniorem001.JPG (91307 Byte)
Juniors Floor Podium(Cojocar,Stroescu,Mourier)

GomezPlanasem001.JPG (70493 Byte)
Elena Gomez and Albas Planas, Spains Juniors

yarodskayaem001.JPG (60155 Byte)
Irina Yarodskaya, Ukraine.

Valentinem003.JPG (53496 Byte)
Rikst Valentijn, Netherlands.

roschypkinaem001.JPG (37702 Byte)
Olga Roschypkina, Ukraine.

Lobaznjukem001.JPG (70798 Byte)
Ekaterina Lobaznjuk, Russia.

Pavlovaem003.JPG (66015 Byte)
Anna Pavlova, Russia with the Goldmedal she won on bars.